Book Club


We Could Solve Homelessness if We Wanted To

One of the main causes of homelessness is expensive housing, but more funding and lower rent prices would greatly benefit many people. This article addresses how the American Rescue Plan Act signed by President Biden in April finally brings hope to begin solving homelessness.

PA Senate Democrats Hold Policy Hearing on Systemic Housing Insecurity

In May 2021, the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee held a virtual public hearing to discuss housing insecurity. Read to learn about what each community leader attendee proposed as solutions to address homelessness and the housing crisis.

Hawaiian's Special Right to Housing

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders have the highest rate of homelessness by racial group in the US. This article explores the intersectional issues of tourism, lasting impacts of colonialism, and housing costs of those experiencing homelessness in Hawai'i.


Mutual Aid in America

Mutual aid, which promotes cooperation over competition, is being prioritized this year. Though hurdles from laws and higher government exist, read about why this type of social solidarity has benefits over charity.


Panhandlers Are Not Homeless 

This article focuses on homelessness in downtown Pittsburgh. Homelessness, panhandling, and crime are separate issues that are often mistaken as one problem, which perpetuates harmful stereotypes towards people experiencing homelessness. Read to learn why it is important to adopt a person-first model when talking about and working with people experiencing homelessness. 


A Broken System for Housing the Homeless

This podcast tells the story of Victor Rivera, head of one of the largest homeless shelters in New York City, Bronx Parent Housing Network. Rivera used his power to take advantage of vulnerable, innocent women seeking shelter, while receiving millions of dollars of federal funding. The story is a learning point for ensuring that the resources and shelters we connect people to are safe and honest. 

Inconspicuous Toilets: TikTok 

As shown by TikTok user Beauty2TheStreetz, many people experiencing homelessness have to use a makeshift toilet and avoid confiscation by authorities (products for a toilet described here). NPR reported on a similar story in 2019. This is a common issue that deserves more attention, especially considering the lack of public restrooms available for use due to COVID-19. 


Impacts of COVID-19 on the US census

Due to pandemic safety concerns, the census count for people experiencing homelessness was delayed, and caused an undercount of upwards of several thousand people in a city population. This causes serious implications in the provision of federal funding and a reduction in government representation. Read to learn more about the proposed solution of inviting community advocates who work with the population of people who experience homelessness to partner with census workers. 


Unsheltered Homelessness 

Read to learn why the number of people who are unsheltered and homeless has increased in number, despite the overall proportion of people experiencing homelessness is decreasing, and solutions to stop the trend. 


How Can We Really Help? -- By Asking

In order to best answer the questions we have, we must go to the people experiencing homelessness. It starts with asking for their name, learning about their individual needs and wants, and listening.