Social Media

Keep Up to Date on the Latest News about Homelessness and Housing Instability


National Alliance to End Homelessness


This non-partisan, nonprofit organization is committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States and is the top place to find news and public policy regarding homelessness.

Follow NAEH on Twitter and Facebook.


Invisible People


Invisible People is a nonprofit that leverages the power of video and social media to share stories of people experiencing homelessness. The stories they create are raw and impactful.

Follow Invisible People on Twitter,  Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.


The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness


The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness coordinates the Federal government’s response to homelessness. This account posts frequently with national data and updates on the Federal strategic plan to end homelessness.

Follow USICH on Twitter and Facebook. 

Your Local Nonprofit!


There’s no better way to learn about local issues than getting involved with local organizations. Creating lasting change begins at home. Find the nearest nonprofit that focuses on ending homelessness in your community and engage with their content! Winter is an especially important time to share information, as people experiencing homelessness are in danger during extreme cold weather.

Follow us through the links below, or find your nearest nonprofit.

Our Social Media

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